Stocking Savvy obeys all State and Federal Law in regards to fish stocking and uses captive bred stock whenever possible. Due to the two separate laws governing fish stocking in Florida, we have two categories: "sport fish", which includes larger species such as sunfish, bass, and larger catfishes which are quoted individually. Non-sport fish species, which are referenced below in "All Other Fishes", can be shipped directly to your house or site and include species such as the Flagfish and Golden Shiner. We stock ponds and habitats of any size, from small backyard ponds to massive lakes and community waterways, offering competitive pricing thanks to our wholesale packages. Please note that we do not complete orders for aquaria unless it is for research or rearing native species.
All species must be native to the area being stocked. All orders can be sent directly to site or homeowner, shipping not included.
We are able to provide free stocking information to you and your community by phone if you have any questions please call 941-500-2218 or email [email protected].
All species must be native to the area being stocked. All orders can be sent directly to site or homeowner, shipping not included.
We are able to provide free stocking information to you and your community by phone if you have any questions please call 941-500-2218 or email [email protected].
Sport Fishes
All sport fishes are dependent on local suppliers and are on a case-by-case basis. Availability depends on local growers. Please call for more information on these species.
Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides - Large predatory fish, great fishing, good eating.
Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus - Bottom predatory fish, great fishing, good eating.
Bluegill Sunfish L macrochirus - Mid Sized predatory fish, great fishing, good eating.
Red Breasted Sunfish L. auritus - Mid Sized predatory fish, great fishing reduces flies and mosquitos.
Chain Pickerel Esox niger - A large predatory fish, very active enjoys planted environments.
Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides - Large predatory fish, great fishing, good eating.
Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus - Bottom predatory fish, great fishing, good eating.
Bluegill Sunfish L macrochirus - Mid Sized predatory fish, great fishing, good eating.
Red Breasted Sunfish L. auritus - Mid Sized predatory fish, great fishing reduces flies and mosquitos.
Chain Pickerel Esox niger - A large predatory fish, very active enjoys planted environments.
All Other Fishes
All fishes here are able to be shipped anywhere in Florida, as long as they native to your region. These fish can also be stocked by a Stocking Savvy biologist for a small fee depending on location. Please call or email to find out which species are right for you!
Florida Flag Fish Jordanella floridae $3 to $0.50 each depending on order amount - Small fish 2-3in that eats algae, aquatic weeds, and some insect larvae very colorful resembling the American Flag.
Sailfin Molly Poecilia latipinna $4 to $1 each depending on order amount - Small fish 2-3in with a wide variety of colors blue, dalmatian, orange, etc. Eat primarily hair algae and small aquatic macrophytes but also some small insects and crustaceans.
Golden Shiner Notemigonus crysoleucas $125 for 1000 fingerlings - Various sizes available maximum size 1.5ft, eat detritus, algae, and insect larvae.
Florida Gar Lepisosteus platyrhincus $15 per young adult - Other gar species available on request, Florida Gar feed on large invertebrates, fish, amphibians, while growing to 3ft.
Bowfin Amia Amia Calva $15 per young adult - An endemic fish to Florida grows 3ft long, likes shallow wetlands and ponds, eats fish, invertebrates, amphibians.
Banded Sunfish Enneacanthus obesus $8 to $5 each depending on order amount - a smaller sunfish 2-3in fish, eats smaller fish, invertebrates, and has bright blue bands.
Florida Flag Fish Jordanella floridae $3 to $0.50 each depending on order amount - Small fish 2-3in that eats algae, aquatic weeds, and some insect larvae very colorful resembling the American Flag.
Sailfin Molly Poecilia latipinna $4 to $1 each depending on order amount - Small fish 2-3in with a wide variety of colors blue, dalmatian, orange, etc. Eat primarily hair algae and small aquatic macrophytes but also some small insects and crustaceans.
Golden Shiner Notemigonus crysoleucas $125 for 1000 fingerlings - Various sizes available maximum size 1.5ft, eat detritus, algae, and insect larvae.
Florida Gar Lepisosteus platyrhincus $15 per young adult - Other gar species available on request, Florida Gar feed on large invertebrates, fish, amphibians, while growing to 3ft.
Bowfin Amia Amia Calva $15 per young adult - An endemic fish to Florida grows 3ft long, likes shallow wetlands and ponds, eats fish, invertebrates, amphibians.
Banded Sunfish Enneacanthus obesus $8 to $5 each depending on order amount - a smaller sunfish 2-3in fish, eats smaller fish, invertebrates, and has bright blue bands.
All of the invertebrates Stocking Savvy stocks are from captive grown populations and are to be used in habitat restoration projects and backyard habitats. Invertebrates are useful for removing detritus "muck" in ponds, feeding larger fish and turtles, aerating the bottom, and eating algae and excess plant material and act as an important clean up crew. Some like crayfish can also be eaten as well. Stocking Savvy can also order in micro-invertebrates which are useful to jumpstart new ponds. All species must be native to the area being stocked. All orders can be send directly to site or homeowner shipping not included.
Ready to order? Call 941-500-2218 or email [email protected] now!
Freshwater Shrimp Palaemonetus paludosus $30 for 1000 - These shrimp clean up algae and detritus on the bottom of ponds, are safe around all other animals, and form the basis of many fish and larger invertebrate diets.
Florida Crayfish Procambarus alleni Regular $2 each, Blue or White $20 each - Crayfish are large scavengers and opportunistic bottom predators that feed larger fish, turtles, and birds. For backyard ponds we offer blue and white crayfish that can add color but do not for natural areas.
Microrganism stocking is dependant on pond size and is a mixture of freshwater amphipods, copepods, daphnia, and freshwater worms. This is done by a case by case basis to jump start new ponds.
Looking for something else? Want a particular species? Contact us for more information!
Ready to order? Call 941-500-2218 or email [email protected] now!
Freshwater Shrimp Palaemonetus paludosus $30 for 1000 - These shrimp clean up algae and detritus on the bottom of ponds, are safe around all other animals, and form the basis of many fish and larger invertebrate diets.
Florida Crayfish Procambarus alleni Regular $2 each, Blue or White $20 each - Crayfish are large scavengers and opportunistic bottom predators that feed larger fish, turtles, and birds. For backyard ponds we offer blue and white crayfish that can add color but do not for natural areas.
Microrganism stocking is dependant on pond size and is a mixture of freshwater amphipods, copepods, daphnia, and freshwater worms. This is done by a case by case basis to jump start new ponds.
Looking for something else? Want a particular species? Contact us for more information!